Forget floating ramps that don’t protect animals from your skimmer. Critter Clear goes OVER your pool skimmer, letting critters escape while keeping trash, pine straw and large debris from clogging your basket. Clean as needed with your leaf net and enjoy a critter-free pool!
Keep Animals Safe
100% Customer Satisfaction
With 100% 5 Star Reviews, customers all over the U.S. have enjoyed swimming in cleaner, safer, and more compassionate pools. Simple and clever, Critter Clear is turning skimmers into lifesavers – one pool at a time!
Most Cost Effective Solution
Unlike floating frog escape ramps that boast units all over your pool, Critter Clear is 100% effective with JUST ONE UNIT. So, you save BIG on price AND your pool stays tidy.
A targeted solution…
Once in your pool, animals try to escape by swimming the edges. Your skimmer then does what it’s supposed to, sucking them in for you to find later. Critter Clear breaks the cycle by turning your skimmer into a life saving escape ramp. Animals exit the pool while water and small debris flow right through it – they couldn’t die in your skimmer if they tried!
Make a difference in Seconds!
Dead animals leave bacteria, excrement and other nasty stuff in your pool – even live animals carry salmonella and other diseases! Small amphibians that use your pool are also extremely sensitive to chlorine, and are some of the the fastest declining species in North America! Critter Clear gets them back to the wild as quickly as possible. Better for you and them!